Silver Market & Sentiment Cycles using PsychSignal
Silver Market Snapshot – Sentiment Cycles Update
See and learn how to use social sentiment data to analyze stock market cycles.The Dynmic Cycle Explorer is used to spot the current dominant cycle in the silver market – but not directly based on the price chart, instead using social sentiment datasets.
The following video shows how the use sentiment data from social networks on the web to detect cycles in financial markets. In this case, the social twitter sentiment for Silver was used to analyse dominat cycles, map these cycles on the silver price chart and forecast the next important turning point.
PsychSignal available data sources, published available for freevia Quandl, have been used in this demonstration. PsychSignal is one of the first new data providers delivering this kind of datasets.
The example shows the power of the whentotrade platform in regards to use alternative data sources, detect dominat cycles and use this information to predict major market turns.
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The cycles projection did call the end of the downturn and silver moved up right after the call to get +8% profit in 8 weeks just after the live call.