Martin Armstrong on Cycles

Here is a good and short read from Martin Armstrong about the…

Dynamic Cycle Phasing

Please watch the following introduction of a new dynamic cycle…

SPX / VIX Dynamic Cycles Snapshot

All In now (on the short side) [28th April]!This juncture was…

EURO – Dominant Social Media Sentiment Cycle

Data as of 20th March 2015 / Data Source: PsychSignal[ DOWNLOAD…

Measuring Emotion – Big Data

Socially Engineered Quant Strategy SEQS Greg Silberman, Chief…

WARREN – A Siri for the Financial Industry

A user-friendly interactive research environment to perform sophisticated…

AstroPatterns – a scanner for astrological constellations

AstroPatterns is a a tool for quickly finding astrological constellations…

MIT OpenCourseware: Learning – Genetic Algorithms

This lecture explores genetic algorithms at a conceptual level.…