New WTT DataStream technology released
WTT Update Release
The new WTT feature “DataStream” allows to wrap around almost any charting application and to use the available datafeeds for WhenToTrade charts including intra-bar realtime updates! The function works as a “normal” datafeed within the WhenToTrade platform.

DataStream Interface to load realtime charts from different plattforms
Just activate the DataStream datafeed on your source platform and you can open the chart afterwards in WhenToTrade charting. All cycle analysis functions are available to use with this new feature.
Please check the How-To articles section with a demonstration on how to use the MetaTrader and NinjaTrader platform with right out-of-the box ready made solutions.
Do you have a how To demo for ninjatrader?
yes. will follow next week around 10th nov.
NinjaTrade video/demo and scripts added now. Please see seperate How-To article.