Rise and Fall of a Crypto Star: How Cycles Predicted the Crash of Nvidia
Sentiment cycles can even play a more important role in market…

How to (re)format and prepare CSV data for chart import
Often, there is the need to import csv datasets to analyze chart…

CryptoCompare datafeed github source code
[github_readme repo="whentotrade/WTT.CryptoCompareDataFeed"…

CoinAPI.io datafeed github source code
[github_readme repo="whentotrade/WTT.CoinApiDataFeed" …

BitMEX datafeed github source code
[github_readme repo="whentotrade/WTT.BitmexDataFeed"…

BitMEX datafeed integration – bitcoin crypto trading and cycle analysis
Charting crypto-currencies with WhenToTrade using BitMEX