Sentiment Cycles Silver

Silver Market & Sentiment Cycles using PsychSignal

Using sentiment data from PsychSignal to detect dominant cycles in the silver market.

New WTT DataStream technology released

WTT Update Release The new WTT feature "DataStream"…

Book review by Steve Puetz

I am proud that a well respected and leading cycle researcher,…
Cyclic Time

Non-Linear Indicators – Cyclic Time Part 1

Why don’t we use the last n-bars of several years ago instead…

WTT C# Scripting Engine now available

A real C# scripting engine has been included in the latest major…

Financial Stress – Low Low Low Low Low…

The following charts show an alignment between the dominant cycle…

Academy: Geomagnetic Disturbances and the Stock Market

The presentations shows how to decode the raw geomagnetic disturbances (Ap Index) and how to map the Ap index turns onto financial datasets like the Dow Jones Index.
Decoding The Hidden Market Rhythem

Book Part 2 “Metonic Cycles” now available

I am proud to inform you about the release of the new Book Part…