
// —————————————————————

$_g = stripslashes_deep ($_GET);

// ————————————————————————————

if (isset ($_g[“_s2member_seeking”][“type”]) /* One of: page|post|catg|ptag|file|ruri */ )
echo ‘You were trying to access a protected content.’ . PHP_EOL;

// ————————————————————————————

if (isset ($_g[“_s2member_req”][“level”]))
echo ‘You must be a Member at Level #’ . esc_html ($_g[“_s2member_req”][“level”]) . ‘ or higher.’ . PHP_EOL;

else if (isset ($_g[“_s2member_req”][“ccap”]))
echo ‘You must be a Member with Custom Capability: ‘ . esc_html ($_g[“_s2member_req”][“ccap”]) . ‘.’. PHP_EOL;

else if (isset ($_g[“_s2member_req”][“sp”]))
echo ‘You must purchase Specific Post/Page ID #’ . esc_html ($_g[“_s2member_req”][“sp”]) . ‘.’. PHP_EOL;

// ————————————————————————————


Account Details

[s2If !is_user_logged_in() ]

You are not logged in or have no active account for our services.

You need Membership Level 0 to access the public forum, Membership Level 1 to get access to the private support area as WTT Charting Software user and Membership Level 2 for our “inside” clients with private content and access to our private knowledge pool & forums.

Please create an new account to receive Membership Level 0 just after registration. You will be able to request Level 1 and/or upgrade to Level 2 afterwards via MyAccount.


[s2If is_user_logged_in() ]User Details:

Username: [s2Get constant=”S2MEMBER_CURRENT_USER_LOGIN” /]
Display name: [s2Get constant=”S2MEMBER_CURRENT_USER_DISPLAY_NAME” /]

[s2If  current_user_is(subscriber)]Membership Level: 

Status: Level 0

This level allows you to post in the public forum. You need Level 1 to get access to our client support area. If you are a WTT client, please request to upgrade your account to Level 1 via the “Request Level1” button.


[s2If current_user_is(s2member_level1)]Membership Level: 

Status: Level 1

This level allows access to the public section and the private support forum.

You need Level 2 to access restricted content on individual topics like market updates, forecasts and educational usescases for WTT clients and to engange in the private forums on Genetic Algorithm, Cycles and Script exchange. Level 2 is available via subscription mode which can be upgraded/downgraded on a monthly basis according to your individual needs. Request your Membership Level2 via the specific button.


[s2If current_user_can(access_s2member_level2)]Membership Level: 

Status: Level 2 or higher

Congratulations, right now, there are no higher levels available. No need to upgrade.



[s2If !is_user_logged_in() ]


[s2If is_user_logged_in() ]
