WTT Academy
Charting Platform
How to connect TradeStation with Cycle Analysis toolbox
How To Guide:Connecting TradeStation via a simple TradingApp with the Cycle Analysis toolbox. Syncing a live datafeed on your favorite chart in TradeStation and the Cycle Analysis platform.
How does the Cycle Scanner work?
This session explains the basic components of a data set: cycles, trend and noise information. We will see how the Cycle Analyzer reverse-engineers the data set to retrieve only the cyclical information in that data set. This information is then used
Cyclic Indicators for TradingView
How To: Using WTT cycle indicators on TradingView: cyclic smoothed RSI (cRSI)This cycle indicator is also included in our online cycle.tools platform. Visit https://www.whentotrade.com/cycle-tools/ for more information on TradingView's embedded
Bitcoin data feed with 2017 cycle analysis
New WTT crypto currency data feed integration from CryptoCompare: Bitcoin BTC/USD cycle analysis predicted the expected turn dates for the parabolic move in the first half of 2017 https://www.whentotrade.com
New WTT User Interface
App upgrade with new fresh User Interface preview
Bitcoin Charting Technical Analysis
Introduction to a new datafeed to chart Bitcoin exchange rate against USD and EUR in realtime on a chart
Trade Automation Interface
Short information on how to use the Trade Automation interface to launch different programs based on individual alerts. Including info on C# template.
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WTT DataStream for MetaTrader
WhenToTrade technology to use MetaTrader datafeed within the WTT Charting Platform
NinjaTrader DataStream Interface for WhenToTrade
Setup of the NinjaTrader Indicator to push realtime tick charts to WhenToTrade Charting Platform and use all cycle indicators with NinjaTrader as primary "Datafeed" platform
Map Indicator Turns To Price Chart
New WTT function to map indicator turns onto different price charts. Very usefull in cycles research when dynamic cycle analysis is done on sentiment indices and the detected cycle turns should be plotted on a different price chart, e.g. the DOW or S
C# Indicator Upgrade Info
Upgrade of the C# Interface to plot individual indicators from the indicator launchpad
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GA Engine How it works
This 20min presentation explains how the Genetic Algorithm is implemented in the WTT platform and shows the basic usage. [Part 1 of the TW Expo]
WTT Basics: Integrated Cycle Tools
This session provides an overview about the integrated cycle tools build into the WTT charting module. Each knowledge chapter comes with an integrated cycle tool and trading technique.
WTT Basics: Low Cost/High Quality DataFeed Combo
Info which shows how to combine and bundle different high quality & low cost historical & realtime datafeeds into one chart: This example demonstrates how to use IB realtime data delivered via your IB account feeding into a chart based on historical
WTT Charting Module Preview
WTT Charting Platform preview