It is simple: Displacing price forward in time based on the half span of the dominant cycle. Shifting price into the future by a calculated time span based on the associated cycle. The shift into the future is based on half of the dominant cycle length. Hurst original: (length / 2 + 1) rounded to nearest whole number.
Als known and introduced as the „The Price Move Predictors“ by J.M. Hurst in his “Cycles Course” from 1973.
The amount that prices have fallen (risen) from this highest (lowest) price to the price at the time of the FLD break has predictive implications: Prices can be expected to move further down (up) by the same amount before reaching the price low (top) associated with the trough (top) of this particular wave.
(J.M. Hurst (1973): “Cycles Course”, Lesson 2)
The following webinar shows the fundamentals behind the FLD concept on how to apply it with the cycle analyzer toolset:
One of my cycle analyst friends, Peter Eliades, is using this technique for years. To learn how this method is applied to charts, you can follow his free public youtbube channel: Video Channel:
Peter Eliades from Stock Market Cycles using FLD Future Line Demarcation